Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Walker!

She did it! She took her first steps! I can' t believe that my baby, my 10 month old baby girl is a walker. Well, I wouldn't say a full walker, but she can walk. She can take a few steps anyway. Last Friday she decided to let go of her toys and take 2 full steps. In a week she can now walk down the hallway and across the living room. It isn't time to get rid of the stroller or anything that extreme, but it counts in my book.

Of course every time I try to capture this momentous event on video, she decides to sit down and crawl to me. I did manage to capture a few seconds of her drunken sailor like gait down our hall.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Growing so fast!

This time last year John and I were imagining and dreaming of what life would be like with a baby. I can honestly say that reality is nothing like I imagined. It is SO much better!  As I was reflecting on this time last year, I thought I'd share Izzy's first halloween costume. Please bear in mind that I still had 2 more months before she was born!

October 2007
October 2008

You've come a LONG way baby!

Ardenwood Harvest Festival

On Saturday, John and I took Elizabeth to Ardenwood Farm. They have a big harvest festival each year where they make hand cranked ice-cream, have live music, BBQ, there are crafts for kids and old tyme recipes for the adults. There is a working blacksmith, lots of farm animals and all the employees dressed the parts.John and I had a great time picking corn. It was a lot of fun, though a lot like finding a needle in a haystack. We go to pick either Indian Corn or PopCorn from the stalks. Whatever we picked we had to shuck. We got to keep half and had to give back half. It worked out well-I don't think I would want to make a living out of harvesting corn, but once a year for half an hour wasn't so bad!

Pumpkin Patch 2

We took Elizabeth to Stockton this last weekend with the specific intention of taking her to Phillips Farm. This was the pumpkin patch that I grew up going to every year. It was bigger than I remember (they've grown and added a few things) but the patch itself was just the same. They even had the very same "guys". Think scary paper mache heads on tall, oddly dressed bodies. Even so, we had a great time and showed Izzy each and every guy. We took the hay ride and visited the animals and most importantly picked out a pumpkin. 

Here is Grandma and Grandpa Towne, Mommy and Elizabeth goin' on a hayride.
See, I wasn't kidding about those scary "guys"! Elizabeth really wasn't too sure of these guys, but she wasn't afraid.

October Doings

I have always loved October. It is by far one of my favorite months of the year. I love the warm colors and cool weather. But this year, I love it even more. It is only the middle of the month, and yet, we have already been to 2 pumpkin patches and a Harvest festival. We still have a Pumpkin Run (5k), Pumpkin Festival, Halloween party and of course the big night of Trick or Treating.
The San Carlos Belmont Mother's Club had a family outing at
 Lemos Farm. John and I took Izzy  out to see the pumpkins. There was so much to see! This was her first reaction to all the sights, smells and sounds!

We had so many compliments on our "little flower". A great big thanks to our friend, Ainsley for letting us borrow her adorable costume!